Bellevue Public Library Offers Homebound Program

Bellevue Public Library
January 24, 2025

Bellevue Public Library Offers Homebound Program

Bellevue Times | Bellevue Public Library Offers Homebound Program | March 12, 2025

by Kristine Woods, Reference Librarian and Homebound Coordinator

Are you stuck at home, but find yourself craving lifelong learning, information, entertainment, and recreation? Bellevue Public Library @Home, also known as Homebound, is a delivery service for adult Bellevue residents who are confined to their home or care facility due to a chronic or temporary disability. The program also serves those permanently without transportation.

You can sign up by filling out a registration form and returning it to the library (The library’s website is Go to Services & Resources and then Homebound Services). Registrations are taken Monday-Friday during regular hours (M-Th, 9am-8pm, Friday 9am-6pm). People utilizing this service must have a library card. You can register for this service online, in person, by phone (call (402) 293-3157), or by mailing the form on the back side of the Bellevue Public Library @ Home brochure. For a copy of the brochure, contact the library, or download it from the website.

The coordinator then calls and welcomes each person to the program asking them about their interests, likes and dislikes, what types of books, music and movies they are currently enjoying and notes any preferences or special requests they may have.

Bellevue Times | Bellevue Public Library Offers Homebound Program | March 12, 2025
Pictured above are several of the Friends of the Library members who volunteer to deliver items to people using the library’s homebound program.

The coordinator selects books (large and regular print), books on CD, music CDs, movies on DVD that match the preferences for the patron to enjoy. NoveList Plus is an online resource used to assist with selections. An in-house database keeps track of what items the patron has already checked out as well as any feedback they provided in their monthly reader response survey included in every delivery.

The coordinator acts like a personal shopper for library items for participants of the Homebound Program. Even though patrons are not able to come to the library in person, they are able to enjoy services at home through the program. The Friends of the Bellevue Public Library volunteer to make daytime deliveries and pick-ups every four weeks on Tuesdays.

All materials have a four-week checkout with no renewals. This service provides 10 items per month, five of which may be audiovisual materials. There are no overdue fines on any items, but those using the service are responsible for lost or damaged items.

Homebound delivery from Bellevue Public Library currently serves about 35 patrons. The Friends of the Bellevue Public Library delivery driver volunteers are wonderful community ambassadors who provide this treasured service and make between 7 and 11 deliveries a week.

Interested in a specific item? Check to see if the library has it by using our online catalog or give us a call at (402) 293-3157.

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