Google Fiber

Google Fiber Starts Serving First Bellevue Neighborhood
Work began earlier this year on the Google Fiber network installation in Bellevue. Last week, Google Fiber quietly turned on its first Bellevue neighborhood near Bellevue West High School, giving…

Google Fiber to Begin Citywide Network Installation
As previously reported in the Bellevue Times, Google Fiber is coming to Bellevue and their network installation is set to begin very soon. In November it was announced that Google…

Bellevue’s Top Ten Stories of 2023
At the Bellevue Times, we just completed our second full year of publication through our iPhone/iPad App, our Andriod/Google Play App, and our Digital News Site. It was a year…

City Council Votes on Google Fiber Contract, Installation Could Begin by End of Year
It was not a short City Council meeting this week as council members found themselves in a tough spot. Since the dawn of high-speed internet, many residents have expressed interest…