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6 minute 45 second mark – 3b, Public Hearing: Request to rezone for the purpose of an adolescent care facility. Applicant: i3, LLC. General location: 105 Fort Crook Road South (Current location of Royal Inn Motel)
40 minute 10 second mark – 3c and 3d, Public Hearing: Request to rezone for the purpose of existing residential development. Applicant: AMZ Investments, LLC. General Location: 13510 South 36th Street and a Request for a conditional use permit for Lot 3, LGB Properties Replat One, for the purpose of an Alzheimer’s/dementia care home
55 minute mark – Request to rezone for the purpose of residential and commercial development; and small subdivision plat Lots 1 and 2, Heer and Theer Addition. Applicant: 1st City Development, LLC. General Location: 2304 Lincoln Road