Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year

Bellevue Times
October 7, 2023

Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year

Bellevue Times | Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year | March 8, 2025

If you are looking for local frights in the Omaha Metro this Halloween, the scariest attractions might be right here in Bellevue at the House of Horrors on Logan Ave.

The House of Horrors on Logan Ave is actually two homes located at 1006 and 1008 Logan Avenue, just east of Bellevue East and the Bellevue Public Library, near the intersection of Harvell Road and Logan Avenue.

Bellevue Times | Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year | March 8, 2025

Thousands of items are on display and the result is very impressive. The haunted house(s) are produced by the Bartlett and Mulkey families, neighbors who both share a deep passion for Halloween.

Both families have always enjoyed Halloween. Jason and Kelly Mulkey would take their children Austin and Lexi to other neighborhoods when they were younger as their neighbors didn’t pass out much candy or have many displays. The Mulkeys always visited one house on the corner in Avery Hills off Bellevue Boulevard. The Mulkey kids looked forward to seeing this house every Halloween. The yard was decked out with a spooky path to the front door with various jump scares and creepy frights and, if you wanted candy, you had to take the path. There were many years when the Mulkey kids would stand on the street daring each other to get the candy.

The kids looked forward to that house every year. But a few years ago, eager to conquer their fears and finally make it to the porch, Austin and Lexi were sad to discover that the family had moved and there was no more creepy display to look forward to.

Bellevue Times | Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year | March 8, 2025

In 2019 the Bartlett family moved in next to the Mulkeys. Rodney and Jaimie Bartlett discussed the display they would put together in their previous neighborhood. However, because of their location, not many people saw it. Now, having an ideal location and mutual fondness for the creepy, the families began to plan. The goal has always been to create spooky memories to make the neighborhood one that kids and families alike will enjoy and remember.

The Haunted House(s) have a variety to offer including a creepy doll display and haunted cemeteries, a walk-through Circus Tent with popcorn-scented fog, and a lit path to the fenced-in Zombie area. They also have a butcher shop. This year, they are adding a walk-through haunted house feature in which brave souls have to walk through the butcher shop to enter.

Bellevue Times | Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year | March 8, 2025

While there is no admission cost, they do accept cash donations and Venmo (Venmo Account @incrediblemulks4). The items on display cost the families tens of thousands of dollars over the years and, while it is not mandatory to enjoy their creations, they would greatly appreciate the donations to help with the costs of maintaining everything.

Mulkey talked about wanting to do more, but also how expensive everything can get, “We are your average hard-working families, not rich by any means. Our displays are funded 100% on our own. Some items are bought at local retailers, online, marketplace, swaps etc.… and every year there is always a handmade display or two. This year, at the suggestion of many visitors, we’ve added donation boxes and a Venmo donation option in which 100% of the funds will be split between both families to go towards current and future displays. You can check out more about our display at our Facebook page – Houses of Horrors on Logan Ave.”

The Houses of Horror on Logan Ave is available for viewing Sundays through Thursdays from dusk until 10pm. On Fridays and Saturdays, the hours are dusk until Midnight.

As for next year, the families are already planning and receiving input from the community. “We’d like to add additional synchronized lights and more creepy sounds and music, maybe more interactive exhibits, and a variety of live actors,” Mulkey said. “We also have a poll on our Facebook page so people can vote on what they would like to see for future displays – like and share us on Facebook at Houses of Horrors on Logan Ave.”

Bellevue Times | Haunted House(s) on Logan Avenue Enters Third Year | March 8, 2025

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