Guest Columnists

Chamber of Commerce BellevueOpoly Contest Returns for Year Two
Bellevue, Neb. – The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce & Community will launch their second year of BellevueOpoly on, Tuesday, April 1, 2025. BellevueOpoly is an engagement game designed to connect…

Absolute Tattoos & Body Piercing Celebrates 30 Years in Business
Absolute Joy By Sarah Dighans, Bellevue Chamber of Commerce & Community For 30 years, Daniel and Annaliza Botsford’s Absolute Tattoos & Body Piercing shop has left its mark on Bellevue,…

Bellevue Community Brings Cheer to Offutt Dorms
By Chad Watkins OFFUTT AIR FORCE BASE, Neb. — Bellevue Chamber of Commerce members joined other local community leaders and Offutt’s first sergeants as part of Operation Holiday Cheer to…

Nebraska’s Official Veterans Day Parade this Saturday
Hosted by the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce & Community Bellevue, Neb. – The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce & Community will host Nebraska’s OfficialVeterans Day Parade on Saturday, November 9, 2024,…

Bellevue Chamber Gala a Game Changer
The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce hosted the ‘Game Changer’ Gala last night at the Beardmore Event Center. Over 200 people attended, including many local business owners and nonprofit leadership. “The…

Bellevue Chamber of Commerce to Host Career Fair this Week
Bellevue, Neb. – The Bellevue Chamber of Commerce & Community and the Offutt Military & FamilyReadiness Center will host a Career Fair & Business Expo at the BPS Lied Activity…

Bruce Looks Back on First Year as Chamber President
Bellevue Chamber of Commerce President Diane Bruce was recently asked to reflect on her past year serving as president. The opportunity challenged Bruce to do one of her least favorite…

IRS Reinstates Tax Exempt Status for Bellevue Chamber of Commerce
The Greater Bellevue Area Chamber of Commerce is proud to announce that it received notice from the IRS that we have received our Tax-Exempt status reinstatement as a 501(c)(6) organization….