Google Fiber to Begin Citywide Network Installation

Bellevue Times
January 29, 2024

Google Fiber to Begin Citywide Network Installation

Bellevue Times | Google Fiber to Begin Citywide Network Installation | March 4, 2025

As previously reported in the Bellevue Times, Google Fiber is coming to Bellevue and their network installation is set to begin very soon.

In November it was announced that Google Fiber had partnered with Allo to handle the installation of the network in Bellevue. Although Allo will be in charge of the network installation, the procedures discussed at the October Bellevue City Council meeting will still be in place. As explained by Google Fiber representatives in October 2023, “We place door hangers a minimum of five days out along with yard signs at the end of streets notifying residents work will be happening in their neighborhood. A number will be on all of our displays for people with concerns or questions. They will be greeted by a member of our team who will create a ticket.”

Google Fiber plans to follow OPPD as much as possible and follow similar routes as the network is installed. When a pedestal needs to be installed it will typically be near a property line, transformer, or other utility pedestals. The plan calls for primarily backyard installation but they may occasionally have some aerial areas where underground installation would be too tight.

When construction starts, it will begin in the northeastern portion of Bellevue near 13th and Harrison Street and the north end of Bellevue Boulevard.

In an October interview with the Bellevue Times, Google Fiber Central Region Head of Government and Community Affairs Rachel Merlo said, “Our plan is to extend the network to as many addresses as possible. In some cases, where there is not a lot of density in an area, that would affect whether we build there or not,” Merlo said. “Also, for multiple-tenant properties, such as apartments, Google Fiber would need to get an agreement with the property owner. After that, tenants can sign up if they want to.”

Google Fiber has an online form for property managers and owners interested in connecting their properties during installation. The form can be found here.

Merlo estimates it will take a little more than two years to complete the entire installation in Bellevue but that individual areas and neighborhoods might be able to start receiving the service as early as this summer. Merlo also mentioned that they may not necessarily be moving strictly north-to-south as they install the network, so neighborhoods on the southernmost portion of Bellevue may not be the last to get hooked up.

Bellevue Times | Google Fiber to Begin Citywide Network Installation | March 4, 2025
Rachel Merlo, Google Fiber Central Region Head of Government and Community Affairs

Google Fiber offers 1, 2, 5, and 8 Gigabit service plans with no data caps and no installation fees. They also provide all of the hardware needed to connect. Depending on the level of service routers and mesh wifi extenders are included as well with no monthly charges. Current pricing is $70 a month for 1 gigabit download speed, $100 for 2 gigabit, $125 for 5 gigabit, and $150 for 8 gigabit.

Google Fiber provides full technical specifications here.

A video of the city council discussing this matter can be viewed here. The discussion regarding Google Fiber is item 16E and begins around the 1 hour, 44 minute, 18-second mark.

Bellevue will be added to the small but growing number of cities in the country with access to Google Fiber. They will join 35 cities that are either already connected or in the process of being connected to GFiber, including Denver, Chicago, Atlanta, San Diego, Seattle, San Antonio and Omaha.

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Bellevue Times