Lewis and Clark Expedition Scavenger Hunt

Hey, kids! Are you ready for an adventure in an imaginary hot air balloon? Here is your chance to discover some of the plants and animals found on the Lewis and Clark Expedition! Pick up your map in the Children’s Area at Bellevue Public Library and find the plants and animals hidden around the room....

Bellevue City Council Meeting

Bellevue Council Chambers - Bellevue City Hall 1500 Wall Street, Bellevue, NE, United States

The Bellevue City Council meets on the first and third Tuesday of the month. All meetings are at City Hall in the City Council Chambers, 1500 Main Street. Bellevue City...

Bellevue Together Monthly Meeting

We meet at New Beginnings - 2231 Jefferson Street, Bellevue, NE Our mission is to help meet the unmet needs of Bellevue Public School families identified by school counselors and...

Bellevue Lions Club Monthly Meeting

The Bellevue Lions Club meets on the third Tuesday of each month at DJ's Dugout in Bellevue (10308 S. 23rd St). Please attend if you are interested in becoming a...

  • Bellevue Times
