Construction Begins on Nebraska Army National Guard Readiness Center

BELLEVUE, Neb. – A groundbreaking ceremony was held in Bellevue on Tuesday for the Nebraska Army National Guard Bellevue Readiness Center. Speakers included Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts, Congressman Don Bacon, Congressman Mike Flood, and Major General Daryl Bohac – Adjutant General of the Nebraska National Guard.
“The Readiness Center itself represented something very important,” Maj. Gen. Bahoc said. “This is the place soldiers come… not just to train, not just to get ready, but it is the place they come to when they get ready to go.”

The new Bellevue Readiness Center will be located northeast of the intersection at 25th and Capehart Roads and next to the Willow Lakes Gold Course. Construction on the $36.3 million project is expected to be completed in Fall of 2024. The facility will be more than 100,000 square feet and sit on 40 acres of land.
The federal government earmarked $29 million for the project, while the state of Nebraska added $8 million. The City of Bellevue will be working on improving access to the new facility and infrastructure in the area.

“The State of Nebraska is investing in our National Guard to make sure we continue to have a world-class organization,” added Governor Ricketts.
When completed, the Bellevue Readiness Center will house five units and be home to nearly 400 service members.

All images provided by Davis Design and the Nebraska National Guard