Conrad Fundraiser set for February 26th

Bellevue Times
February 14, 2022

Conrad Fundraiser set for February 26th

Bellevue Times | Conrad Fundraiser set for February 26th | March 2, 2025

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On Saturday, February 26th, the Bellevue Volunteer Firefighters Banquet Hall will be the location of a very special fundraiser.

From Noon-6 pm the greater Bellevue community is invited to eat, enter some raffles, win some prizes, listen to great music, and support local business owners Chris and Sally Conrad. Chris is being treated for Stage 5 Chronic Kidney Disease and they are in the process of trying to find a kidney donor.

The Conrads are owners of Solutions Heating and Air in Bellevue. Many in the Bellevue community know them for their kindness and generosity – especially to those in great need. When the 2019 floods displaced many residents from their homes, Chris and Sally contacted a local hotel and booked a string of rooms to use as temporary housing. After the 2020 fire at the Fontenelle Hills apartments, they offered a free place for the group that was collecting items to donate to the displaced residents. Talking to several business owners, we heard many more stories about the Conrad’s genuine love and support for the community.

When family friends Janelle Shere, Debbie Kohlscheen, and Diane Bruce heard about Chris’s medical challenges, they immediately set up the fundraiser. Well, almost. “We knew they are better at giving than receiving, so they were going to be a hard sell on letting us do this.  After a little persuasion, they humbly agreed for us to move forward.”, Bruce said. 

The fundraiser features food from Golden Bowl, DJ’s Dugout, and Roma’s Italian Restaurant at different times during the event. Other events include a Cake Walk, an Alcohol Wheel, many raffles for some very unique donated items, and music. “We have Chad Lee, Steve Spurgeon, and Jimmy Weber & Nathan Wade Andrewson all performing during the event.  We will have a live auction that will include an HVAC system, a $400+ bottle of scotch, a week-long stay at a resort, a Cigar Box Electric Guitar, and more. We also have a unique Shot Gun we will be raffling off, so there is something for everyone!”

Bellevue Times | Conrad Fundraiser set for February 26th | March 2, 2025

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