City of Bellevue Storm Response - Friday Morning Update

Bellevue Times
August 2, 2024

City of Bellevue Storm Response – Friday Morning Update

Bellevue Times | City of Bellevue Storm Response - Friday Morning Update | March 3, 2025

Here are the latest updates from the City of Bellevue regarding cleanup from the July 31st storm.

1. OPPD is making significant progress but as of this morning, they are reporting 17,000 customers in Sarpy County are still without power. According to the OPPD facebook page, they have restored power to more than 134,000 customers throughout the area which is just over 60% of the original 220,000 that had power outage. While their customer service team is working hard to answer all messages on social media, due to the high volume, please expect slower response times. The best method for reporting any new outages and downed power lines on private property is via, on the OPPDconnect app or by calling 1-800-554-6773. Go to

2. The City of Bellevue is still out clearing streets that have trees blocking all or part of the roadway. They will continue with this effort throughout the weekend until all the roads are cleared. Any decision on curbside pickup will be made next week after all the roads are passable.

3. Due to the large amount of tree damage in our community, the City of Bellevue has opened two tree debris drop-off locations for Bellevue residents. The City’s Tree Dump just north of 8902 Cedar Island Road near the Rose Lane intersection and the vacant lot near the baseball fields at Haworth Park are now open for residents to dispose of storm-related tree debris. These locations are currently open and will remain open daily from 7am to 8pm at least through Sunday, August 4th. The Tree Dump will be unmanned and is open to all Bellevue residents, but no commercial dumping will be allowed.

4. Due to the power outages, there are still a large number of traffic signals that are out. The City of Bellevue has put out all the signs that we have available but if you come across an intersection without working traffic signals, treat it as a four-way stop sign.

5. Cascio Pool has regained power, so all 3 Bellevue Public Swimming Pools will be open this weekend to help Bellevue residents beat the heat.

6. Due to the forecasted heat and the large number of Bellevue residents without power, the City of Bellevue has worked with local churches and organizations to open some cooling stations.

  • The Bellevue Reed Center at 1200 Lord Blvd in Bellevue will be open today,  August 2, 2024, from 8am to Noon.
  • Thanksgiving Lutheran Church at 3702 370th Plaza Avenue in Bellevue will be open on August 2, 2024, from 8am to 5pm.
  • Bellevue Junior Sports Association at 1001 High School Drive in Bellevue will be open from Noon to 8pm on Friday, August 2, 2024. 
  • Immanuel Lutheran Church at 104 Galvin Road has announced on their Facebook Page that they will be open from 9am to 3pm on Friday, August 2, 2024
  • The Bellevue Public Library at 1003 Lincoln Road is also available for cooling and charging during regular business hours
  • The City will work on finding some cooling and charging stations throughout the weekend should the need remain. Please stay tuned for additional information.

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