Business News

Monster Dogs Partners with Sorties Tavern to Offer Gourmet Dogs During Winter and Beyond
Scott Hull was working a retail job at Omaha Steaks, and his wife, Alexis, was a case manager for the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services when thoughts of…

Retired Bellevue Teacher Creates Transportation Service for Seniors
Katie Herbert devoted 31 years to the students of Bellevue Public Schools before retiring last May. Just a few months into retirement, she realized she needed something to do. Instead…

The Wait is Over, Happy Buddha’s Asian Cuisine Opens for Business Tuesday
After more than a month of construction delays, Happy Buddha’s Chinese Cuisine is set to open this Tuesday, November 21st. While initially hoping to open in September, owners Jacob Betsworth…

Google Partners with ALLO to Install Bellevue Fiber Network
Google Fiber is coming to Bellevue and their timeline has been expedited thanks to a new partnership with ALLO Fiber. Google Fiber (GFiber) has partnered with ALLO Fiber to build…

Nettie’s Changes Course, Restaurant Will Not Reopen
Contrary to reports earlier this year in the Bellevue Times, longtime Bellevue and South Omaha favorite Nettie’s Restaurant will not reopen. Nettie’s Restaurant burned down on December 23, 2022. Initially,…

Bellevue Chamber of Commerce Starts New Chapter as Diane Bruce Named President
It’s business as usual for Diane Bruce as she removes the interim label from her title today and officially begins as the next President of the Bellevue Chamber of Commerce….

Internet Sensation ‘Furniture Flipping Teacher’ Settles in with New Store in Bellevue
Lauren Hull was enjoying Spring Break in her second year of teaching Kindergarten at LeMay Elementary School in Bellevue when the Covid lockdown happened. Like most people stuck in their…

2023 Best of Bellevue ‘Spirit of Bellevue’ Winners Recognized
The people have spoken and the results are in. After a sixth consecutive year with a record number of votes, the 2023 recipients of the Best of Bellevue awards have…

Two Dads Opening a Bookstore in Bellevue
At one point in history, Bellevue had at least four different bookstores operating at the same time, including three at Southroads Mall. Bellevue’s last bookstore, Confluence Bookstore and Bistro, closed…

Happy Buddhas Restaurant Sets Revised Opening Date
People excited for the highly anticipated opening of Bellevue’s newest restaurant, Happy Budda’s Asian Cuisine, will have to wait a bit. Due to unexpected construction issues, the opening originally scheduled…