Bellevue Police Department First to Sign 30×30 Pledge

On March 14th, the Bellevue Police Department is proudly hosting a one-day thought-provoking and empowering conference ‘Breaking Down Barriers – Women’s Conference’.
Throughout history, women have been underrepresented in the realm of law enforcement – remaining at 12-13% since the mid-1980s. Even more disparate is the percentage of women in law enforcement leadership positions – at under 6%. Women face similar circumstances throughout numerous career fields across the Nation.
In an attempt to help remedy this parity nationally – the Bellevue Police Department was the first police department in the nation to sign the 30×30 Pledge (www.30x30initiative.org). This initiative is focused on the recruiting and retention of women police officers, through intentional and targeted ways – changing long-standing practices and culture. One step in doing so is providing leadership training specifically designed for women – providing examples of women who have forged a pathway to success – and sharing their success stories with others.
As the Police Chief in Bellevue, I am honored to host an amazing group of women leaders at this stage, including; Licensed Mental Health Practitioner – Hope Valentine, Omaha Deputy Police Chief – Anna Colón, United States Airforce Commander of the Office of Special Investigations – Brittany Swift, and the Chief Executive Officer of DVLP LLC – Chevelle Saunsoci. We are appreciative of this amazing group of women for their willingness to participate and share their knowledge.
There is no cost for attendance and all genders are welcome to attend. If you wish to attend, you can register at https://bellevuepd.com/
Chief Ken Clary