Bellevue Veteran Honored Nationally by VFW for #StillServing

Bellevue Times
February 16, 2024

Bellevue Veteran Honored Nationally by VFW for #StillServing

Bellevue Veteran Don Glenn

Bellevue veteran Don Glenn is being honored for his dedication to country and community in the national Veterans of Foreign Wars #StillServing campaign. The VFW #StillServing campaign recognizes veterans who continue to serve in their community after the military.

Glenn is #StillServing with Bellevue VFW Post 10785, assisting at funeral services with folding and presenting a U.S. burial flag to the family and rifle salutes for fallen comrades. He has served with Kiwanis, Habitat for Humanity, Special Olympics and at his church. Additionally, Glenn and other members of the Post painted the Eastern Nebraska Veterans Home tank.

Glenn says he is #StillServing because the call to serve others does not end when military service is over.

Bellevue Times | Bellevue Veteran Honored Nationally by VFW for #StillServing | March 7, 2025
Bellevue veteran Don Glenn is being honored for his dedication to country and community in the VFW national #StillServing campaign. Left to Right: Don Glenn,  Post Chaplin Bryan Wells, and Post Commander Bill O’Donnel. Photo credit: Don Glenn

The Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) launched #StillServing, a campaign to highlight how America’s combat veterans continue to serve in their local communities after transitioning from the military, in March 2020. What started as a campaign became a movement as veterans across the country stepped up to share stories of how they are still serving.

“Veterans are the pillars of our communities,” said Duane Sarmiento, VFW national commander. “Their unwavering dedication to service echoes beyond their time in the military. The VFW #StillServing campaign was launched in 2020 to acknowledge and highlight the service leadership veterans bring to our society. Now, in its third year, the stories of veterans who’re still serving in meaningful and impactful ways continue to pour in from around the world.” 

According to the 2021 Veterans Civic Health Index, veterans average nearly 30 percent more volunteer hours per year and outpace civilians by 15 percent in charitable donations. Additionally, nearly 40 percent more veterans belong to a group working on community issues and veterans are more likely to be registered to vote (7 percent) and have recently voted (6 percent).

Since its launch, 4.8 million people have engaged with the campaign through the website, videos and social channels. Additionally, 2,000 veterans have shared their personal stories of sacrifice and service, and the stories have been covered by more than 700 media outlets worldwide.

Building on a legacy of service that spans more than a century, #StillServing represents the heart of the VFW and its members and conveys what today’s VFW embodies. The VFW encourages all veterans to share stories on social media using #StillServing to show how they continue to answer the call to serve in ways big and small. In addition, family or friends are asked to use #StillServing in social media posts to honor a veteran in their lives who believes the spirit of service transcends military life.

The VFW urges Americans to visit to learn more about the campaign, make a shareable image honoring veterans in their lives, watch videos of VFW members making a difference and see a collection of user-generated content.

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