Bellevue University Announces Temporary Relocation of Military and Veteran Services

Bellevue University’s Military and Veteran student services, along with various programs offered to the Military and Veterans community, will temporarily relocate from their original location on Harvell Circle to three key buildings on the main campus. This move, effective June 3, will continue until the end of the year.
“The move is needed to help support the ongoing construction of the new field house and surrounding area, a project that we are all very excited about,” said Ashlea Rodriguez, Manager of the Military and Veteran Services Center.
During this period services will be available at the John B. Muller Administrative Services Building (MASB), the Educational Services Building (ESB) and the Hitchcock Humanities Center (HUM). For directions and parking information, view the campus map.
The services affected include, but are not limited to:
- Disabled American Veterans
- Guitars for Veterans
- Veteran Transition Services
- Project Healing Waters
- Wounded Warrior Project
- Team Red White and Blue
- Team Rubicon
- BU Offutt Toastmasters
- Veterans Resource Network
- Counseling
- VA Programs – VetSuccess on Campus
- Tai Chi
- Yoga
- Veteran X
- Vietnam Veterans of America (VVA)
- Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA)
- Offutt Spouses Club
- VA Caregivers Group
- Nebraska Vietnam Veterans Memorial Foundation (NVVMF)
- Military Officers Association of America (MOAA)
For additional information or assistance, please contact the reception desk requesting for Ashlea Rodriguez or JR Richardson at 402-557-7820, or email [email protected].