Bellevue Police Department Begins Speeding Awareness Week

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The Bellevue Police Department is joining over 20 other Omaha-Council Bluffs agencies and organizations to take a stand against speeding in the metropolitan area. We are joining our voices together in a public education campaign to emphasize that following posted speed limits is critical to driver, passenger, pedestrian and cyclist safety. Beginning today, January 24, the public will notice messages related to “Speeding Awareness Week” on social media, digital ads, and dynamic message signs around the metro and both states.

As traffic volumes have rebounded from an initial decline during the early months of the COVID-19 pandemic, speeding has remained a serious issue. These two factors, speeding and high volumes, have resulted in a staggering number of speeding tickets in the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro area. And while areas across the country are dealing with excessive speeding issues, Omaha and Council Bluffs metro area agencies are hoping to combat the problem via an educational campaign before traffic volumes increase even more during the spring and summer months.
Speeding, both “casual” and excessive, results in serious losses of time, money but – most importantly – human life. As part of Speeding Awareness Week, every partner agency encourages drivers to slow down and follow the posted speed limit on roads.
Information about the Omaha-Council Bluffs metro area’s Speeding Awareness Week can be found at slowdownmetro.com