Bellevue Parks & Rec 2023 ‘Where am I?’ Scavenger Hunt is Live
2023 Bellevue Recreation Scavenger Hunt
Welcome to the Bellevue Recreation “Where am I” Scavenger Hunt! By completing this scavenger hunt you will learn a little bit more about Bellevue and hopefully win a prize. The participants of this scavenger hunt will need to take a picture of themselves next to the park sign for each hint. The first twenty participants to turn in the correct pictures along with the right answer will win a gift card. Here are the hints.
1) I am a park where you don’t have to have a golf ball to play golf. Where am I?
2) I am a park where everyone can play because I am all-inclusive. Where am I?
3) I am a park where I see more four-legged friends than two-legged friends. Where am I?
4) I am a park that was named after a City Council member named Monroe in 1969. Where am I?
5) I am a park that always has a hero standing in my park because they are the first to respond to an emergency. Where am I?
6) At my park, seasons might come and go; however, it is always spring in my park. Where am I?
7) I am not a park, but I am a key part of Bellevue History, even though I can’t get rid of my stains. Where am I?
8) I am not a park, but I am very important to the person completing this scavenger hunt because I host multiple events. You should come visit me to register for more activities. Where am I?
Scavenger Hunt begins today – December 22nd. Participants must turn in pictures and answers to the Reed Center or email to [email protected].