Bellevue Buzz: What are you thankful for this year?

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We asked some people around the community: What are you thankful for in 2022?

“I’m so very thankful for my salon being in Harmony Court Independent Living! I’m lucky to be able to do both the residents and my outside clients! I’m also so thankful for my loyal clients, and the relationships I have made by doing my dream job!”
— Jamie Twitchell,
Jamison Family Salon

“I am thankful for my family, health, and my great job. Life can be hard at times and it is always great to be thankful for your family and support system. My wife and newborn son are my focus and love in my life.”
— Ryan Schultz,
Lied Activity Center

“During this crazy year of interest rate hikes and inflation, I am thankful for our customers’ loyalty and continuing to refer their family and friends to us! I am also very thankful for my team that not only does a great job serving our customers every day, but also is out serving our community throughout the entire year.”
— Shelly Spencer,
West Gate Bank

“Personally, I am thankful for my family – especially my wife and our first son. At work, I am thankful for the team that worked with City of Bellevue this summer. Like other organizations we were/are looking for more workers. The fantastic individuals we hired were very hard working and flexible. So thank you again to all the seasonal workers from this summer.”
— John Bryan,
City of Bellevue Parks & Rec Department

“I am thankful for my team at Capehart Family Dentistry. I am very blessed to be surrounded by such amazing people. They are the real reason why we can provide the best possible care to our community.”
— Dr. Jeff Dworak,
Capehart Family Dentistry

“I am thankful for the great partnerships with the City of Bellevue and Sarpy County. It’s those relationships that bring strength to our projects like building a new field house or new fields at Haworth Park that the students and our community can enjoy.”
— Ed Lehotek,
Bellevue University

“We are thankful to be part of the Bellevue community! Since opening Moran’s Grill at the old Lansky’s location in Twin Creek Plaza in June, we’ve had nothing but a warm welcome from Bellevue and the surrounding communities. We are also thankful for all of our Moran’s Grill staff who have become one big family in such a short time. We appreciate all the love and support and are grateful for being part of an amazing community.”
Julio & Andrea Moran
– Moran’s Grill

“I am thankful for my family, grandchildren, good health and for my customers. Most importantly I thank God for all the wonderful blessings he has bestowed on me.”
— John Sakkas
John’s Grecian Delight