Annual Ride of Silence to be held May 15

Bellevue Times
May 2, 2024

Annual Ride of Silence to be held May 15

Bellevue Times | Annual Ride of Silence to be held May 15 | March 9, 2025

The Bellevue Bicycle Club (BBC) will observe the International Ride of Silence on May 15th at 7:00 pm.

This year marks the 22nd Anniversary of this event, which is designed to honor the memories of those killed in car-bike accidents or injured. It is to bring increased awareness to the safety needs of Cyclists while riding on the roads. Last year in Nebraska, there were six cyclists killed in bike/motor vehicle accidents. That is more than the last five years combined.

There were three deaths reported outside the Greater Omaha region, including a toddler hit and killed by an SUV while riding a bicycle. There were three deaths in Omaha, with one being high profile and focusing attention on the dangers facing cyclists when Dr. Matthew Latacha, a cardiologist and electrophysiologist with Methodist Physicians Clinic was pronounced dead at the scene near 252nd Street and Rainwood Road. Motorists and cyclists need to be aware of their surroundings and the laws relating to cyclists to avoid accidents.

This year’s Omaha metro area Ride of Silence will be held on May 15. The ride will leave at 7PM from the Twin Creek Trailhead Parking lot, 3602 Raynor Parkway, Bellevue, NE.

There will be a brief program prior to the ride.

  • Ride Purpose: Mike McGee, BBC President covering the purpose of the ride, followed by a
    solemn poem read by a BBC member.
  • Event Proclamation: Rusty Hike, Mayor of Bellevue, reading the proclamation for this event.
  • Family Survivor Story: Dr. Kim Latacha will then tell the story and impact of the bicycle/motorist
    accident that took the life of her husband Dr. Matthew Latacha.
  • Ride Guidelines: Riders will then be provided with safety guidelines for the ride.

The Route is about 14 miles long. Cyclists will ride from the trailhead parking lot west on Raynor Pkwy to 48th Street. Turning South on 48 to Hwy 370, to Fort Crook Road. Riding North on Fort Crook Road to Chandler Road and turn around heading back to HWY 370 to 36 street and back to Twin Creek Trailhead Parking. The ride will be escorted by the Bellevue Police Department Motorcycle Patrol.

Bellevue Times | Annual Ride of Silence to be held May 15 | March 9, 2025
Some of the cyclists at the start of the 2023 Ride of Silence

We welcome our partners from Omaha this year as the Omaha Pedalers Bicycle Club also joins us in the ride. We ask that all non-club members that join for the ride, as it is open to all, to visit our website and the event to sign a brief release. Minors need to be accompanied by a parent or adult guardian. It is expected that all riders be able to maintain a 10-15 mile per hour speed. This, like other BBC rides, will be a No-Drop ride; a BBC member will lead the ride and there will always be a BBC member throughout the group of riders and at the rear to aid if needed.

For detailed information, registration, and a link to a map can be found on the BBC website at:

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