248th Birthday of the US Army and National Flag Day Kick-Off Scheduled for Sunday

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This Sunday Washington Park is the location of the 248th Army Birthday and National Flag Day Kick-Off. The event begins at 1pm with LCDR Ron Roen (USNR, Ret.) serving as the Event Emcee and Aviation Coordinator. A complete listing of events is below.
248th Army Birthday & National Flag Day Kick-Off
Date: June 11 at Washington Park, Bellevue, NE
Time: 1-2:30 PM
- Event Emcee and Aviation Coordinator: LCDR Ron Roen (USNR, Ret.)
- Invocation: Chaplain Cliff Short, VA (Lt Col, USAF Ret.)
- Colors: Strategic Command Joint Color Guard or 55th WG Honor Guard
- National Anthem: The USAF Heartland of America Band, Master Sergeant Rebecca Wischmann
- 1:05 pm NEANG RC-135 V/W by 238th Combat Training Squadron: Remember the Army Air Corps-hashtag #AFFlyover
- 1:20 pm Life-Net
Pledge of Allegiance: Cub Scout Pack 463 and Girl Scout Troop 42740
Flag Lowering/Fold: Offutt Air Force Base Honor Guard & STRATCOM
Commemorative Flag Presentation to the City of Bellevue
Certification Presentations
Flag Retirement Ceremony: VFW Post 10785 and Guitars for Vets
Guest Speaker: Jim Hoy (Colonel, USA Ret.) VFW Post 10785
Conclude Flag Retirement Ceremony
Ceremony Conclusion:
• Retire Colors
• Cutting of Cake
• View Vehicle Static Displays